[Community] [BOURSES DOCTORAT] Appel à candidatures pour les bourses de doctorat du RSIF du PASET / Call for Applications for PASET RSIF PhD Scholarships

Maïssa MBAYE maissa.mbaye at ugb.edu.sn
Fri Aug 20 17:53:54 GMT 2021

English version follows below

Le Fonds régional de bourses d'études et d'innovations (RSIF) du PASET
accepte désormais les candidatures pour les bourses de doctorat du RSIF en
sciences appliquées, ingénierie et technologie (ASET) pour l'année
universitaire 2021/2022 : https://www.rsif-paset.org/grants-scholarships/

Jusqu’à 100 bourses de doctorats seront donné pour cette cohorte pour plus
d’informations https://www.rsif-paset.org/grants-scholarships/

*Version française de l'appel *


PASET's Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF) is now accepting
applications for the RSIF Doctoral Fellowships in Applied Sciences,
Engineering and Technology (ASET) for the academic year 2021/2022: https: /
Up to 100 PhD scholarships will be given for this cohort for more
information https://www.rsif-paset.org/grants-scholarships/

English version of the call

Deadline for submission:  30th September 2021 at 5:00 pm (East Africa Time;
Please address any questions to: rsifscholarships at icipe.org

*Merci de diffuser*

*Bien cordialement*
*Dr. Maïssa Mbaye*
Enseignant Chercheur en Informatique
Section(eq. Department) Informatique
UFR(eq. FAC) de Sciences Appliquées et de Technologies
Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis
Email : maissa.mbaye at ugb.edu.sn
Site : https://sites.google.com/site/maissambaye/ ; http://www.ugb.sn/


---------- Forwarded message ---------
De : Osiru, Moses <mosiru at icipe.org>
Date: jeu. 19 août 2021 à 06:35
Subject: RE: Call for Scholarships - 4th Cohort of RSIF PhD Scholarships
To: Aminata Sall Diallo <asdiallo50 at gmail.com>, Mamadou Sy <
mamadou.sy at ugb.edu.sn>, Muchiri James <muchirij82 at gmail.com>,
mikehughesuk at gmail.com <mikehughesuk at gmail.com>, tenko_theo2014 at yahoo.fr <
tenko_theo2014 at yahoo.fr>, bintousessouma at gmail.com <bintousessouma at gmail.com>,
yacouattt at yahoo.fr <yacouattt at yahoo.fr>, ramaneka at hotmail.com <
ramaneka at hotmail.com>, paulosbeyene at yahoo.com <paulosbeyene at yahoo.com>,
Prof.Vitoria Langa De Jesus <vitoria.jesus613 at gmail.com>, Rachida Aligy
Ussen Mamade <rachida.mamad at gmail.com>, Vafi Doumbia <vafid at yahoo.fr>,
Halil Dundar <hdundar at worldbank.org>, dhessou at gouv.bj <dhessou at gouv.bj>
Cc: Kelemu, Segenet <skelemu at icipe.org>, Nguku, Everlyn <enguku at icipe.org>,
Skilton, Robert <rskilton at icipe.org>, Ecuru, Julius <jecuru at icipe.org>,
Agena, Maureen <magena at icipe.org>, goolam mohamedbhai <
g_t_mobhai at yahoo.co.uk>, Ruth Karimi Charo <rcharo at worldbank.org>,
kasmaig at yahoo.fr <kasmaig at yahoo.fr>, Alice Barlow-Zambodla <
alicebarlowzambodla at gmail.com>, blompo at worldbank.org <blompo at worldbank.org>,
dudu08hlophe at gmail.com <dudu08hlophe at gmail.com>, joel.tossa at imsp-uac.org <
joel.tossa at imsp-uac.org>, joeltossa at gmail.com <joeltossa at gmail.com>,
abmarcos at imsp-uac.org <abmarcos at imsp-uac.org>, abmarcos24 at gmail.com <
abmarcos24 at gmail.com>, hedhplan at gmail.com <hedhplan at gmail.com>,
presidentsonou at yahoo.com <presidentsonou at yahoo.com>,
germain.akindes at gmail.com <germain.akindes at gmail.com>, hgbaye at worldbank.org
<hgbaye at worldbank.org>, gedeon.aihonnou at imsp-uac.org <
gedeon.aihonnou at imsp-uac.org>, chetangny at yahoo.com <chetangny at yahoo.com>,
francois.tsobnang at expertisefrance.fr <francois.tsobnang at expertisefrance.fr>,
ramaneka at hotmail.com <ramaneka at hotmail.com>, lattroh.marie at gmail.com <
lattroh.marie at gmail.com>, mef.secsoc at yahoo.fr <mef.secsoc at yahoo.fr>, Damtew
Teferra <Teferra at ukzn.ac.za>, ngohbakayoko at yahoo.fr <ngohbakayoko at yahoo.fr>,
coumba.toure at ucad.edu.sn <coumba.toure at ucad.edu.sn>, Edmund Nibenee
Aalangdong <edmund.aalangdong at ncte.edu.gh>, Joshua Atah <jaatah at nuc.edu.ng>,
mikehughesuk at gmail.com <mikehughesuk at gmail.com>, Mamadou Sy <
mamadou.sy at ugb.edu.sn>, Tinyiko Ntshongwana <Tinyiko.Ntshongwana at dst.gov.za>,
Salifu Mohammed <salifum at ncte.edu.gh>, rosariosambo at gmail.com <
rosariosambo at gmail.com>, lucia.pascoal74 at gmail.com <
lucia.pascoal74 at gmail.com>, jesusthome at hotmail.com <jesusthome at hotmail.com>,
Sajitha Bashir <sbashir at worldbank.org>, Dharini Natarajan <
dnatarajan1 at worldbank.org>, Gang I Kim <gkim3 at worldbank.org>,
viriatoneto at gmail.com <viriatoneto at gmail.com>, Ricardoneto2012 at live.com.pt <
Ricardoneto2012 at live.com.pt>, ana.santos at me.gov.cv <ana.santos at me.gov.cv>,
calmeida at uta.cv <calmeida at uta.cv>, almeidacorrine at gmail.com <
almeidacorrine at gmail.com>, emmantanyi at gmail.com <emmantanyi at gmail.com>,
vperrot at worldbank.org <vperrot at worldbank.org>, mchaudron at worldbank.org <
mchaudron at worldbank.org>, gren_05 at yahoo.fr <gren_05 at yahoo.fr>,
houdeingardavid at gmail.com <houdeingardavid at gmail.com>, chanmounou at yahoo.fr <
chanmounou at yahoo.fr>, dangbet_zak at yahoo.fr <dangbet_zak at yahoo.fr>,
fahmi_gamal at yahoo.fr <fahmi_gamal at yahoo.fr>, mucammadqabdo at yahoo.fr <
mucammadqabdo at yahoo.fr>, tmohurutshe at gov.bw <tmohurutshe at gov.bw>,
tmooko at gov.bw <tmooko at gov.bw>, lmotoma at gov.bw <lmotoma at gov.bw>,
bnkeineetse at gov.bw <bnkeineetse at gov.bw>, Amara_ginette at yahoo.fr <
Amara_ginette at yahoo.fr>, jeanlucmouthou at hotmail.fr <
jeanlucmouthou at hotmail.fr>, msalehblaise at gmail.com <msalehblaise at gmail.com>,
eliezerkabuya at yahoo.fr <eliezerkabuya at yahoo.fr>, vrohio at hotmail.com <
vrohio at hotmail.com>, crisantosondo at yahoo.es <crisantosondo at yahoo.es>,
rectoradounge2016 at gmail.com <rectoradounge2016 at gmail.com>,
abgueye40 at yahoo.fr <abgueye40 at yahoo.fr>, ousmane.thiare at ugb.edu.sn <
ousmane.thiare at ugb.edu.sn>, cheikh-talibouya.diop at ugb.edu.sn <
cheikh-talibouya.diop at ugb.edu.sn>, cheikh-tidiane.dieng at ugb.edu.sn <
cheikh-tidiane.dieng at ugb.edu.sn>, maissa.mbaye at ugb.edu.sn <
maissa.mbaye at ugb.edu.sn>, Eunice Yaa Brimfah Ackwerh <edapaah at worldbank.org>,
Sylvia Mkandawire <smkandawire at aau.org>, michael.lumor at savethechildren.org <
michael.lumor at savethechildren.org>, jmmvondo at unicef.org <jmmvondo at unicef.org>,
eaddai at unicef.org <eaddai at unicef.org>, mady.koanda at 2ie-edu.org <
mady.koanda at 2ie-edu.org>, r.atindehou at acbf-pact.org <
r.atindehou at acbf-pact.org>, linzi at acbio.org.za <linzi at acbio.org.za>,
office at acbio.org.za <office at acbio.org.za>, nozor at atpsnet.org <
nozor at atpsnet.org>, koffi.adjimon at aide-et-action.org <
koffi.adjimon at aide-et-action.org>, A.NSENGIYUMVA at AFDB.ORG <
A.NSENGIYUMVA at afdb.org>, Biruktayet Bihon <BiruktayetB at africa-union.org>,
msichangi at cemastea.ac.ke <msichangi at cemastea.ac.ke>, simon at codata.org <
simon at codata.org>, imbali59 at gmail.com <imbali59 at gmail.com>,
info at capa-sec.org <info at capa-sec.org>, siddiadda at gmail.com <
siddiadda at gmail.com>, htonnang at gmail.com <htonnang at gmail.com>,
a.ndiath at iaea.org <a.ndiath at iaea.org>, Osiru, Moses <mosiru at icipe.org>,
sndengue at eaifr.org <sndengue at eaifr.org>, abdou.lawane at 2ie-edu.org <
abdou.lawane at 2ie-edu.org>, molapo.qhobela at nrf.ac.za <
molapo.qhobela at nrf.ac.za>, Hambani Masheleni <hambanim at africa-union.org>,
Ngwenya Nonkululeko Prudence <Nonkululekon at africa-union.org>, Mahlet
Teshome <MahletK at africa-union.org>, Woudase Abebe <WoudaseA at africa-union.org>,
Rahel Mesfin <RahelM at africa-union.org>, Caroline Gumizamu <
GumizamuC at africa-union.org>, Mich-Seth Owusu <owusum at africa-union.org>,
Hayeon Kim <hkim18 at worldbank.org>, Achille ASSOGBADJO <assogbadjo at yahoo.fr>,
numwiza at worldbank.org <numwiza at worldbank.org>, Nodumo DHLAMINI <
ndhlamini at aau.org>, Florence Mayega Nakayiwa <f.nakayiwa at ruforum.org>,
Florah Karimi <fkarimi at aphrc.org>, Sajitha.bashir at gmail.com <
Sajitha.bashir at gmail.com>, RSIF Working Group <rsif-wg at icipe.org>

English version below


Bonjour à tous et à toutes,

Au nom de la Présidente du Conseil d'Administration du PASET, Professeur
Aminata Sall Diallo, et des pays membres du PASET, *icipe* a le plaisir
d'annoncer et de partager avec vous le quatrième appel de bourses de
doctorat du RSIF destinées aux universités africaines sélectionnées pour le
programme en partenariat avec des institutions internationales hautement

Veuillez bien diffuser l'appel aux candidat(e)s potentiel(le)s concerné(e)s
par les bourses de doctorat. Les bourses sont soutenues par les
Gouvernements Africains et des partenaires clés (Banque mondiale,
Gouvernement de la Corée) à travers le Partenariat pour les compétences en
sciences appliquées, ingénierie et technologie (PASET). Ce Le quatrième
appel offrira plus de 100 bourses de doctorat entièrement financées aux
candidat(e)s éligibles. Voir l'appel ci-joint pour plus d'information.

De plus amples informations sur le Programme Régional de Bourses d’Études
et d'Innovation (RSIF) du PASET sont disponibles sur



Dear all,

On behalf of the Chair of the Executive Board of PASET*, *Prof. Aminata
Sall Diallo, and the PASET member countries,* icipe* is pleased to announce
and share with you the Fourth Call for RSIF PhD Scholarships tenable at
selected African universities in partnership with advanced international
partner institutions.

Please kindly share out the call to relevant potential applicants for the
PhD Scholarships. The Scholarships are supported by African Governments and
key partners (World Bank, Government of Korea) through the Partnerships for
skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET). This Fourth
Call will provide over 100 fully funded PhD Scholarships for eligible

More information on Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF) program
of PASET can be found at www.rsif-paset.org.



Dr. Moses Osiru

Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) Manager

PASET Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund

International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe)

P.O. Box 30772-00100, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: +254 20 8632780

Mobile: +254736019498

Fax: +254-20-86322001/8632002

Email: mosiru at icipe.org

*Follow Us on:* www.icipe.org* |  *www.rsif-paset.org* | *Twitter
<https://twitter.com/pasetrsif>*|* Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/thersif>* | *LinkedIn
<https://www.linkedin.com/company/paset-rsif/> *| *YouTube
| Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/pasetrsif/>

Sign up to RSIF newsletter <http://eepurl.com/g3hYyD>

[image: RSIF logo]
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