[Community] Fwd: MICCAI 2024: Invitation to Organize Challenges with African Imaging Data Focus

Maïssa MBAYE maissa.mbaye at ugb.edu.sn
Thu Sep 7 12:31:14 UTC 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De : Karim Lekadir <karim.lekadir at ub.edu>
Date: jeu. 7 sept. 2023, 02:10
Subject: MICCAI 2024: Invitation to Organize Challenges with African
Imaging Data Focus
To: africai-all at googlegroups.com <africai-all at googlegroups.com>, Víctor
Manuel Campello Román <victor.campello at ub.edu>

Dear Colleagues,

The prestigious MICCAI conference (Medical Image Computing & Computer
Assisted Interventions) is set to take place in 2024 in the city of
Marrakesh, Morocco, marking our debut on the African continent.

Hence, we invite you to leverage this unique setting by organizing a *challenge
focusing on African imaging data and clinical needs*.

To support the challenge organizers from Africa, we'll offer funding for
travel expenses, ensuring that financial constraints won't impede your

If you are interested, please drop me an e-mail.

Furthermore, join us for an informational meeting detailing the application
process, evaluation criteria, and available resources:

   - Date: Wednesday, September 20th
   - Time: 2 pm (CEST/UTC+2)
   - Link: Zoom Meeting

Please save the date and share this with peers who might be interested. For
questions or additional information, contact me directly at
victor.campello at ub.edu.

Let's together harness the potential of African data to revolutionize
medical imaging and healthcare on the continent.

Warm regards,

Víctor M. Campello

African Challenges Commissioner

MICCAI 2024 Organizing Committee

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