[Community] TRODAN data repository integrated in Africa Grid Science Gateway

Omo Oaiya omo at wacren.net
Fri Jan 17 12:56:19 GMT 2014

Dear All,

I would like to point at a new application belonging to the Earth Sciences
domain has been integrated in the Africa Grid Science Gateway.   It is the
TRODAN Data Repository of the Centre for Atmospheric Research (CAR) , an
agency of the Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency

You can access the repository either navigating to

Africa Grid Science Gateway -> Applications -> Earth Sciences -> TRODAN
Data Repository

or visiting the direct link  -   http://sgw.africa-grid.org/

Science Gateways are a concept developed by INFN, one of the partners in
eI4Africa and can be regarded as a type of virtual community connecting
geographically separated and help them to share data, run remote computers
and access to applications and information in order to design, carry out
studies and interpret research results.

Access to actual data needs federated authentication and currently
available to the community via the NgREN catch-all Identity Provider
developed via WACREN participation in the eI4Africa project  -

In Identity Federation model, CAR/ NASRDA is the Service Provider and other
interested communities who would like to provide similar  services and
learn how to do so are encouraged to make contact.  The overarching goal is
to use the demonstrators to support the development of authentication and
authorisation infrastructure (AAI) required by our communities to
participate in eResearch environments.

Best wishes

Omo Oaiya
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