[Tandem] TANDEM end

Damien alline damien.alline at ird.fr
Ven 23 Juin 14:34:54 GMT 2017

Dear partners,


First of all, I would like to thank all of you who were in Brussels this
week to support TANDEM in front of EC reviewers. See the team on its way to
EC before the review (https://twitter.com/WACREN/status/877439376678105088),
and the day before for Agnes birthday (picture attached).


Thanks to your efforts all along these 2 years, the achievements of the
project have been considered by reviewers and the EC as excellent !


This project was very challenging, and I think we can all be proud of this
result. I appreciated very much the team spirit which always has been with
us since the kick-off meeting, and I address personally my sincere thanks to
Agnes and Boubakar who helped me very much in the coordination.


This is the end of the TANDEM project, but the beginning of a new process
with the PODWAG and the focal points
 actually, as Tom said (and Churchill J
), it is not the end, not even the beginning of the end, but perhaps the end
of the beginning !


I wish WACREN great success !! 






Direction du Développement des Usages Numériques Innovants

SEDPI/Informatique en soutien aux Scientifiques

Tél. : +33 (0)4 67 41 63 42


 <http://www.tandem-wacren.eu/> http://www.tandem-wacren.eu/



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